Thursday, February 4, 2010
Just whining OR do I have a point?
Know what really bugs me, gets my goat, messes with my sense and sensibilities? When a person has a beautiful blog that is frequented by a lot of traffic but doesn't take the time to proofread what he/she is putting out there so it is filled with the wrong word in key phrases (using all where old should have been -I blew a whistle at five months all), misspellings, poor grammar, sentences that make no sense. Now, I know I have made mistakes on my blog, using site for sight and other such things, but I don't have thirty errors in one blog. I try to be as correct as I know how to be. Heck, spell check corrects a lot of my errors! And the really sad thing is I have noticed that this sloppy blogging is the norm, not the exception. What's going on?