Saturday, March 10, 2012

One Pooped Pup

I don't have a picture of this actual event but the one here gives you a general idea of Bartimaeus' posture.  We walked Bartimaeus today after puppy obediance school which is filled with excitement and new smells and his best puppy buddy, Omar.  At the very last leg of our walk, in the middle of the street he flopped over on his back in complete surrender.  It was the funniest thing I have ever seen & I ended up carrying him home.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spice Anyone?

FlyLady is helping me transform my home. In three fifteen minute periods, I purged all the expired spices, I combined all the duplicates I could, and I organized them alphabetically. I am overjoyed at the simplicity of finding what I need when I cook now!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


This is my life, broken down into bits that I can finally manage to swallow.  I should have done this years ago but I didn't know how.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Crash Hatin'

Crash is completely convinced he will never lovelike, tolerate the black scourge we have brought into his life.  He spends a lot of time on things, high things, but soon I am afraid little Bartimaeus will be able to mount these things.  What is a poor cat to do?

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Barty & Muddie

It is not the best picture but you can get the gist.  Bart loves his Muddie Buddy.  BFFs forever!