Monday, December 28, 2009

25 Random Things about me.

1. I am ordinary. I used to believe there was something wrong with being ordinary, but I have come to realize who I am is exactly who I am supposed to be. This realization has really brought joy into my life.

2. I am easily distracted. (Squirrel!)

3. There is not a single person that I hate, in fact, I can find something to like in every person I meet. (I consider this one of my strong points.)

4. I don't care about "the details" which is probably why I am having such a difficult time coming up with 25 things, facts, habits, or goals about myself that I did not say in my last "25 things" note.

5. I would like to quit my job and become a homemaker. And when I say homemaker I mean a person free of work, free to create in the kitchen, free to create (words on paper), free to use my time as I wish to use it.

6. I am about to be an empty nester and I don't think I am going to have a hard time with it.

7. It discourages me that people don't communicate via letter writing much anymore. E-mail has its place but there is just something about getting a letter in the mail.

8. I hate politics.

9. Moving to Italy has given me an appreciation for history that I never had before.

10. My all time favorite authors are Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner.

11. When I grow up I would like to be a wacky English Professor with an office strewn with books I have read over and over with marked, bent pages, stacks of papers precariously perched on the edge of my desk, and a lone philodendron sitting on the windowsill.

12. I wish I had a personal shopper to buy clothes for me. I don't like clothes shopping. In fact, I wish there was someone who would lay out my outfit, complete with accessories, for the day so I won't have to think about it.

13. I am strongly considering becoming a wellness coach.

14. I know something about just about everything but I don't know a lot about anything. I get to a certain point and can't get any further OR I lose interest. (Refer to #2)

15. I am both social and antisocial. I draw my energy from people and strongly desire my "me" time.

16. My favorite country that I have visited so far is Scotland. It seems so clean, innocent, untouched (and their accent ain't bad either). I am not referring to the big cities here.

17. I like a shot of Highland Park scotch in my Green Mountain Roaster's Fair Trade Wild Mountain Blueberry™ coffee on a chilly afternoon.

18. I don't think, just because one gets older, her hair should get shorter.

19. The more I learn about Van Gogh's life, the more I admire his art.

20. I don't really care if my name is remembered after I die. I just hope I affect some people positively while I am alive.

21. I have no obsessions although my husband will attest that I am compulsive obsessive about some things (like lining my car up just so when I pump my gas. What? Doesn't everyone do that??)

22. I have an Amazon Kindle. I do enjoy it but I still prefer the feel, smell, and weight that comes only from holding a hard or paper back book.

23. I consider myself a good cook but I have just discovered I have so little knowledge about it. (refer to #14). I would never have survived cooking every recipe in the Julia Child cookbook like Julie (from the blog/book/movie "the Julie Julia project") did.

24. I love to wear blue jeans.

25. I really don't like talking on the phone. I don't "get" the signals like I am supposed to. It is just uncomfortable.

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